
Invité hubevolution

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Invité hubevolution

Is there a version of Debug-bios-256k-Gueux'Net-V2 for Focus Chip that can bel launched from phoenix ? I mean a BFM version of this great debug BIOS ?

Thanks and sorry for english :)

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Invité hubevolution

I am running the DEBUG BIOS previous 512k BFM version at the moment, I will wait for 256k BFM :)

BTW are there many differences between the previous 512k BFM and the actual 256k V2 ?

Thanks for your GREAT work :)

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I am running the DEBUG BIOS previous 512k BFM version at the moment, I will wait for 256k BFM :)

BTW are there many differences between the previous 512k BFM and the actual 256k V2 ?

Why do you want especially a 256k bfm debug bios?

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Invité hubevolution

well I do not care about the size simply the only BFM release is the 512k and I notice a sort of flickering on the XDK Launcher while when I tested the 256k (flashed on my akira2) the XDK launcher screen had no flickering and the BIOS look more stable too.

I want the BFM version because it's easier to boot the XDK launcher (and Debug BIOS) from evox when I need it instead of switching the dip-switch to change Eeprom bank of my mod.

Even if the 512k and 256k version should be similar I can confirm that I noticed this flickering issue and as I said 256k seems much more stable to me.

Thanks :)

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