4983_06_bfm By Yoshihiro


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Invité GJCD

Hi, first of all thanks for your great work.

Second, how can we change this bios to start a different dash?

I would like to start XBMC first.


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Hi, first of all thanks for your great work.

Second, how can we change this bios to start a different dash?

I would like to start XBMC first.


Just rename your XBE from xbmc in avalaunch.xbe.

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Invité cyclone_happy
Second, how can we change this bios to start a different dash?

I would like to start XBMC first.

You can do it easily :

1) copy xbmc files to E:\xbmc\ (for example).

2) just put the xbmc default.xbe to your C: root

and rename it evoxdash.xbe

3) edit this file : XboxMediaCenter.xml

on top, you can read : <home></home>

just put instead your xbmc path like that :

<home>E:\xbmc\</home> (<-- in our example)

put it on your C: root too.

And that's all !

Modifié par cyclone_happy
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